The economics of COVID-19 lockdowns

A further rise in COVID-19 cases around the world is leading to questions about the need for another round of government-mandated lockdowns. Given that there are arguments for and against government lockdowns, we look at what the actual economic outcomes have been in both cases.

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Cristy Houghton
Preserving retirement savings during COVID-19

Investment markets globally are experiencing significant volatility as economies around the world try to navigate the unchartered waters of the COVID-19. If you're approaching retirement this volatility can be a source of anxiety, and it can be difficult to understand what a person can do to protect their nest egg.

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Cristy Houghton
Learnings for Aussie equities investors

Lockdown measures in Australia have now been put in place, and markets have reacted as the Australian Government has responded to the crisis. For nervous holders of Aussie equities, it's worth remembering there are two situations to brace portfolios for: the course this pandemic will run, and the inevitable recovery.

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Cristy Houghton